Sunday, December 12, 2010

Simplicity in 13 measures

1. Did the dishes by hand today.  It was satisfying and it saved some electricity, plus the dishes look cleaner.  I get to appreciate my prettiful Fiestaware plates more than just eating off them.

2.  Yesterday made Danish wedding cookies which are/were dangerously delicious.  I ate about 12 of them and threw the rest away to banish the temptation.

3.  Cleaned the whole apartment yesterday in a single hour of determined frenzy.  It all started after I washed the dishes by hand in preparation for my IHOP pancake recipe.  I was done cleaning at almost lunchtime, so I didn't make the pancakes after all.  Meatball sandwich.

4.  Bought some fresh millet bread, organic apricot jam and loose-leaf chai tea at Central Market yesterday.  It made for an outstanding breakfast today.

5.  Trying out this recipe--I've got two loaves rising.  I've had the recipe printed for weeks, but just bought some more local honey.

6. Went to the park and marveled at the Medina River this morning, and felt like a pilgrim at Tinker Creek, even though I've never read Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.

7. Resolved to try and learn Spanish after all--give it a good go.

8. Almost done knitting my Grandma's swallowtail shawl.  Discovered I enjoy nupps.

9. Looking forward to the end of school and beginning of leisure.

10. Decided we will buy a house this year since we are both finishing school.  This dear hope all rests on the prospect of either or both of us snagging full time jobs.

11. I am all set to graduate this December.  I applied to be a children's librarian, but we'll see if I get the job.

12. Been off work for four days and haven't watched any trash television whatsoever, only Survivors on Netflix.

13. Witnessed and documented on film some top-notch feline hilarity.  The Christmas tree didn't think it was so funny.


Sprite said...

I hope that you continue updating your blog. I really like this type of post! You are so busy and productive.
Do you have any tricks for nupps? I started an Annis shawlette, and I'm a bit nervous of the nupps coming up.

Geode said...

The only trick is to knit them as loose as you can, the first few I made were ridiculously tight and difficult!